Tell Your Side Of The Story When Facing Domestic Violence Charges
In the state of Texas, there are three legally recognized forms of domestic violence:
- Domestic assault
- Aggravated domestic assault
- Continuous violence against family
A conviction for any of these could result in charges as low as a Class C misdemeanor all the way up to a first-degree felony. A Class C misdemeanor carries a fine up to $500, while a first-degree felony could result in a $10,000 fine and up to 99 years in prison. Most commonly, domestic violence cases are charged as Class A misdemeanors, carrying a fine up to $4,000 and up to one year in jail, but more serious allegations lead to felony charges and the potential for prison time. Having an experienced criminal defense legal team on your side is critical to minimizing the consequences of your arrest.
Penalties For A Domestic Violence Conviction
Persons convicted of domestic violence may also be required to make restitution, which means reimbursing the injured party or parties for any financial damages incurred, such as the costs of hospitalization, mental health counseling, time off from work or school, etc.
In addition to the legal and financial consequences of a domestic violence conviction, you will also bear the burden of having a domestic violence charge on your record for the foreseeable future. This can hurt you greatly when applying for jobs, seeking to advance in your career, buying a firearm, enrolling in educational programs, and financing large purchases such as homes, cars, etc.
Contact The Criminal Defense Attorneys At Lewis & Ashworth, PLLC
Connect with a domestic violence attorney in Plano as soon as possible. Call 214-856-6130 or fill out the online contact form. We provide service throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.