Mount A Strong Defense Against White Collar Charges
While white collar crimes are often committed by upper-class individuals, just about anyone who is willing to capitalize financially can be charged with these offenses. Since a conviction can result in serious criminal penalties, hire a knowledgeable and skilled attorney who was the Chief of the Special Prosecutions Unit, which handled hundreds of white collar crimes and high-profile cases.
When you call Lewis & Ashworth, PLLC, for help, you get the benefit of having two highly experienced criminal defense attorneys in your corner. Our Plano white collar crime attorneys are both former prosecutors with a wealth of insight into the Texas criminal justice system and experience handling more than 250 misdemeanors and felony trials, ranging from minor offenses to complex white collar crimes. As such, we have strong relationships with opposing counsel and an in-depth understanding of how the court is likely to view your case.
Let us help. Call 214-856-6130 as soon as possible to speak to a white collar crimes attorney in Plano.
Legal Penalties For White Collar Crimes
Before you read any further, please be advised that, if you have been accused of fraud, embezzlement, or any other such offense, you cannot afford to wait any longer to secure legal representation. Please call our Plano criminal defense firm as soon as possible to schedule your free consultation with us.
Types of and penalties for white collar crimes include:
- Securities fraud: The state of Texas regards securities fraud as a theft felony and determines the degree of the felony by the amount involved. (i.e., an offense involving $300,000+ is a first-degree felony, resulting in a maximum of $10,000 in fines and 99 years in prison.) The Texas State Securities Board aggressively investigates and prosecutes allegations of securities fraud, often attempting to secure lengthy prison sentences.
- Insurance fraud: Misleading an insurer in order to obtain funds can result in anywhere from a Class C misdemeanor to a first-degree felony, depending on the amount in controversy.
- Embezzlement: You may be facing embezzlement charges if you have been accused of stealing cash, goods, or services from an employer, “cooking the books” in order to misrepresent financial facts to your employer, or moving corporate funds into your personal bank account. Penalties vary depending on the amount involved. (i.e., any embezzlement involving over $200,000 is a first-degree felony and can put you in jail for 99 years.)
- Tax evasion: Failure to pay taxes can land you in a world of hurt and amount to anywhere from a Class C misdemeanor to a first-degree felony. Failure to enter required records accurately is a third-degree felony. Offenses involving between $1,500 or more can result in a prison sentences of at least two years.
- Money laundering: Penalties vary for persons convicted of facilitating or participating in criminal transactions, but a state jail felony is the lowest possible penalty.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be treated differently, since I am not being accused of a violent crime?
No. There is a common misconception that juries and the court will “go easy” on persons accused of nonviolent crimes, but this is not true. When you bring in an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can improve your optics in court and make sure the judge and jury have a more favorable impression of your situation, which can lend itself to lighter sentencing, if any.
What if I didn’t do it? Do I still need a lawyer?
Definitely. Navigating the criminal justice system is complicated, and you can’t afford to risk it, even if you are confident that the evidence will speak in your favor. You need zealous, skillful representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help tell your story in court and demonstrate to the judge and jury that the facts are on your side.
If I plan to plead guilty, should I still get a lawyer?
Yes. If you plead guilty and do not have a legal professional advocating for you, you are likely to feel the full force of the law and receive the harshest penalties available. However, by bringing in attorneys like ours, who have tried more than 250 misdemeanor and felony cases, you improve your chances of receiving more favorable sentencing, even if you plead guilty.
Contact Lewis & Ashworth, PLLC Today
Call 214-856-6130 to schedule your free consultation today.