Many people believe that alcohol cooks off when it’s added to food. They think that the flavor is all that remains or that there is minimal alcohol when heat is applied. The reality is that alcohol may still be in the dish and could lead to impairment in large enough...
Year: 2021
3 times a person can claim a legal justification for using force
Using physical force to overpower or control another person is a criminal act. Those who strike or injure another person could face assault charges or worse depending on the outcome of the altercation. Those accused of violent crimes may have multiple different...
What happens if you refuse a breath test?
If an officer pulls you over and asks if you’ve been drinking, you may know that you don’t have to answer that question. By refusing to give any answers, you might, however, prompt the officer into asking you to give a breath sample. With a Breathalyzer test, officers...
How much does pleading guilty to a DWI cost you?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a criminal offense that occurs every day somewhere in Texas. Many people who get behind the wheel after drinking will reach their destination safely, making them think that their decision to drive isn't that dangerous. However, some...
Domestic violence isn’t limited to romantic partners
When you think about domestic violence, you may think about a married or unmarried couple who is getting into arguments or fights. You may imagine someone getting angry and shooting their spouse or slamming the door as they walk out of the house while threatening the...
What makes police suspect you had the intent to deliver drugs?
When police officers find drugs in someone's vehicle, in their house or on their person, they will usually charge the individual with a drug offense. Most people who allegedly own prohibited or controlled substances will face charges of possession. However, in some...
Did the police have probable cause to pull you over?
Your legal issues all started when the police pulled you over. First, they asked you a bunch of questions, and then they arrested you. Now you find yourself facing criminal charges related to drunk driving or drug possession all because of that traffic stop. You can...
What’s the difference between legally drunk and impaired?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is one of the more common charges people face in Texas. People get pulled over and arrested every day for having had too much to drink before they got behind the wheel. People ranging from high school students to skilled professionals...
How domestic assault claims hurt company owners and professionals
Any criminal allegation can affect your freedom and finances. However, few accusations carry as much social stigma as claims of domestic assault or other forms of domestic violence. Anyone accused of mistreating their spouse, intimate partner or family members could...
How do police establish that you had intent to distribute a drug?
Texas criminal laws are very aggressive, especially when it comes to drug prohibition. Even possession can lead to serious jail time and fines. However, when police claimed to have caught you with a drug in your possession, you could also face more serious charges. ...