Most criminal consequences are progressive. First-time offenders receive more lenient sentencing in most cases than those with a repeat history of committing the same crime. Drivers accused of a first driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense might assume that a judge...
Contrary to popular belief, breath tests are often inaccurate
There are several ways for Texas police officers to gather evidence of an alleged driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense. The cameras in their police cruiser may capture video footage of someone's poor driving before they initiate a traffic stop. They may also ask...
Can Texas drivers refuse to perform field sobriety tests?
If a police officer suspects someone of impaired driving, they may immediately start looking for evidence. Some police officers follow drivers in traffic for long distances hoping to observe them doing something unusual or unsafe. Other police officers ask very...
How long can the state take someone’s license after a DWI?
Getting arrested based on driving while intoxicated (DWI) allegations is an intimidating experience. Someone headed home for the evening might suddenly end up spending the night in state facilities. They may face criminal charges based on the claim that they drove...
What are the 3 main field sobriety tests?
When police officers pull someone over on suspicion of drunk driving, they may not give them a breath test right away. Instead, officers may ask a motorist to perform field sobriety tests, which are designed to expose impairment. If someone struggles with the tests,...
Is a Texas DWI charge a felony offense?
Many motorists in Texas don't think of traffic infractions as serious crimes, but the state certainly does. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges in Texas are among the most serious traffic infractions, both because of how Texas law treats this offense and because...
The ripple effect of a DWI conviction
You see a police officer’s lights come on behind you while driving home from a night out. You know that you’ve had a few drinks and you’re wondering if you’re over the legal limit. You start to worry about the potential ramifications of your situation. If you’re...
When does Texas require someone to install an IID?
Anyone who has been accused of a driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense in Texas could be at risk of incarceration, financial penalties and license suspension. Occasionally, the restrictions on someone's driving privileges won't only involve a temporary inability to...
Knowing your rights to sobriety tests
Under the suspicion of drunk driving or, in some cases, after an accident, police may ask a driver to engage in a sobriety test. Police are trained to do one of two sobriety tests: Breath test: police may use a small, mobile tool that evaluates a driver’s...
Evidence connected to DWI charges won’t always hold up in court
Police officers interacting with you during the traffic stop or after a car crash will use every bit of information they can to build a criminal case against you. Often, they will ask you a few questions, and the way that you answer may lead to a request for field...